How it all started...

Living Water Ministries began in the fall of 2006 fulfilling the desire of many people wanting to learn the "Truths of God's Word". What started out as a monthly Sunday evening Bible Study quickly evolved into weekly Sunday Worship Services with Sunday School for all ages and levels of learning, as well as a  Mid-Week Service where people could  grow deeper into God's Word along with a LIFESAVER Youth Group program.

The pastors and teachers at LWM are dedicated to sharing the gospel message. Lessons and messages are brought to you directly from the Bible and inspired by The Holy Spirit.

Plan a visit to LWM soon - we would love to have you. 

Expanding the vision...

Our Vision  at LWM is reach out to People in need, minister to those who are hurting, and share the love of God through the gospel message of Jesus Christ. To be God's Ambassador's here on this earth no matter where The Lord calls us to go and do.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.